Could someone please advise where we can get a PCR test so we can return to the U.K. whilst on holiday in two weeks time. Also approx cost please. Thank you.
Could someone please advise where we can get a PCR test so we can return to the U.K. whilst on holiday in two weeks time. Also approx cost please. Thank you.
Posted: Sun Sep 5, 2021 11:29am
You DO NOT need a PCR test!!!! Only an antigen test, around 30 euros, to return to the UK. Airport is very easy 48 hrs before.
Posted: Mon Sep 6, 2021 8:08am
Evader3 wrote on Sun Sep 5, 2021 11:29am:
You DO NOT need a PCR test!!!! Only an antigen test, around 30 euros, to return to the UK. Airport is very easy 48 hrs before.
Thank you for that information. Very helpful.
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